We are Still Extending a Hand of Hope!

We are now a 501C3 charitable organization!

2018 was a monumental year! We have our tax deductible status and we also have our NGO organized in Ghana! We sponsored 5 girls in 2018. Our organization paid for the cost of their hospital stay and delivery. Two of our girls ended up with c-sections which was a little disappointing. But all of the girls and babies are healthy and safe. Our board member Pastor Daniel Hayford who lives in Ghana helped in getting the girls to the hospital and Daniel and Bernard Osei-Bonsu who also live in Ghana helped with providing food for the girls.

We have our first board of directors which include, Heidi Allan (President), Ashley Osei-Bonsu (Vice President), Randy Allan (Sec/Treasurer), Michael Osie-Bonsu (Translator), Bernard Osei-Bonsu (Ghana Advisor).

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